Upcoming events

Live Q&A: Broadcasting Partnership
European Ultimate Federation (EUF) and Solidsport have announced a broadcasting partnership for 2024-2027!
What are the benefits to the community? What does it mean to have content behind a paywall? Where is the content going?
EUF is hosting a live Q&A on 5th March at 19:00 CET to answer your questions.
Ravi Vasudevan will interview Andrea "Oddi" Furlan - President of EUF, Felix “Nemo” Nemec - Event Manager at EUF and Andreas Westerlind - Chief Commercial Officer at Solidsport, to address your questions. If you want to add more, please go to: https://www.ultimatefederation.eu/news/broadcasting-faq
Got some questions you want answered? Join the conversation!
Join the livestream here: https://live.ultimatefederation.eu/ultimatefederation/watch/live-q-a-broadcasting-partnership

EUC Diversity Showcase Registration
Sign up until 10th of June and get your spot in the Starting 6!

Elite Invite - Bern
Event page: https://flyingangels.ch/events/elite-invite-2023/
Schedule: eucs-schedule.ultimatefederation.eu

EUICC 2024 Pre-Registration
EUICC24 will be open for all European indoor clubs, and EUF kindly asks ALL interested European indoor teams to pre-register. You can now pre-register here https://forms.gle/kEPW2iqka7BYe67b8. After pre-registration closes on the 15th of August 2023, EUF will select the 16 teams for the three divisions. At least one unit per country can enter the competition (even if a federation doesn't have an indoor championship in a specific division !), and national indoor champions, then runners-up, then nr 3, etc., will get preference.

EUCR Pre-registration
Pre-Registration is open: https://forms.gle/nmREF7EvRKfXdvo66
If your national qualifier for regionals is happening after the pre-registration deadline - please inform national federations that they need to pre-register for their national bid.

EUF Networking Event
This event is one of three networking events where we focus on specific topics to get more insights from you, the community.
Register here if you want to participate: Registration Form